Beginner Martial Arts Classes Boston

Beginner Martial Arts/Krav Maga Classes in Greater Boston
If you are looking to learn a martial art in order to be able to defend yourself – along with family members – our Beginner Krav Maga class is a great place to start. This 60-minute class covers movement, effective blocking and striking along with techniques and solutions for dealing with certain attacks and threats; some unarmed and some armed etc. The class will introduce you to the fundamental concepts upon which the system is based, along with some of the drills and training methods that are used in our regular martial arts classes. Our training center is located just north of Boston and is a fully matted facility. If you would like to register for one of these classes, please click the button below to be taken to the registration form (which will also show the times and dates of upcoming classes).
Beginner Martial Arts Class Structure
Unlike most martial arts we don’t spend the first third of a class stretching and engaging in calisthenics etc. We “warm up” using a series of “fighting games” which not only prepare you mentally and physically for our classes, but also teach core/fundamental fighting skills, such as movement, blocking and how to control/manage range and distance etc. With Krav Maga, every moment provides an opportunity to develop and increase your survival skills etc., and this is what class time is dedicated to. The first part of our beginner classes teaches you these games and drills, so that if you decide to continue your self-defense/martial arts training with us, you are familiar with the way we run our regular classes.
After warming up – and developing some fighting skills – you will be taught how to strike/punch effectively. Our approach to martial arts training is to throw a lot of training/teaching points at you all at once, and then refine this over time etc. This is an approach that has been shown/proven to be effective in progressing people’s skills and abilities fastest. It differs from traditional martial arts training where perfection in one part of a technique/movement needs to be demonstrated before the next part is shown etc. In this segment/part of the class you will also be taught how to hold and use pads/focus mitts with a partner. The pad-work learnt will then be combined with the fighting games that were practiced creating a dynamic training experience.
The final part of the class looks at what is commonly thought of as self-defense e.g., how to escape grabs, holds, chokes and strangulations etc. (in reality self-defense is a legal concept referring to the appropriate use of force when threatened or attacked). In this segment you will see the way in which our techniques are grouped into “families” that reuse previously learnt movements; this allows for more practice time and less learning time, improving the chances of successfully applying what has been learnt in a real-life confrontation etc. All of our beginner classes are held at our dedicated martial arts training facility, the address of which is listed below. If you are interested in learning effective martial arts for self-defense purposes, you can sign up for a class, using the form below.
The cost of the beginner class is $25 (this includes 3 months access to our online Krav Maga short course). To take this seminar/class you will need to be an adult aged 18+. To register please use the booking form below. These classes take place at our martial arts training facility located just north of Boston. Address below: