< Martial Arts Boston | Adult Programs

Martial Arts Boston - Adult Programs

Adult Martial Arts Program in Greater Boston

Our adult martial arts program located just north of Boston, consists of regular weekly classes, that occur both during the day and on weeknights. All members of the school have to first take a 60-minute introductory beginner martial arts class, that teaches them the fundamental drills and training methods that are used in regular classes. To see when the next one is and to register for a class please use the button below.

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The Israeli martial art of Krav Maga is designed with one purpose in mind: to get an untrained, inexperienced individual combat ready in the shortest possible time. Rather than rely on fancy, complex movements and techniques the system is based on simplicity and directness. Boston is a busy city where personal safety should be a priority and the system’s no-nonsense approach to self-defense makes it an excellent choice for modern, urban environments. Whether you're walking through the busy streets of Back Bay or commuting on the T late at night, the skills you learn by studying this martial art can empower you to handle potential threats and danger with confidence, whether it’s from an aggressive pan-handler outside an MBTA station, or from a predatory individual looking for those to target and victimize of the city’s streets. Knowing how to deal with such individuals in a non-escalatory fashion, and how to physically defend yourself if necessary are skills that are required when living and/or working in a modern city. Whilst Boston's level of violence, though moderate compared to many other large U.S. cities, remains a concern in certain areas. Currently, Boston sees approximately 25 crimes per 1,000 residents, which is higher than the national average for all communities but slightly lower than cities of a similar size. Whilst the odds of being targeted for a violent crime in Boston may be somewhat lower than in other US cities, if you are targeted you will want to know what to do and how to manage such situations, and effective martial arts training can help you do this.

Our self-defense/Krav Maga classes do not resemble traditional martial arts ones e.g., lines of people in white uniforms walking and punching the air etc. Our classes are dynamic with partners working together, whether it is holding pads for another to strike, or practicing self-defense scenarios such as armed street robberies or abductions etc. Our martial arts training is designed to teach you how to handle real-life situations and scenarios rather than train you for competition and/or sparring etc. This is why we teach you how to punch and kick, grapple/wrestle and work on the ground etc. If you can imagine a violent situation, you may find yourself in, whether unarmed or armed, involving single or multiple attackers etc., we have a solution for it. Using a few simple movements the martial art of Krav Maga can teach and prepare you to respond to a wide variety of real-life attacks and threats. If you are interested in learning more about this martial art/system of self-defense, click here. If you are ready to start training in this martial art, at our training facility just north of Boston, you can register for one of our beginner classes, using the button below.

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